Barn Swallow


Spring and summer resident.

Plumage / Description

Males are a deep, dark blue color on the head, back, wings, and tail. Throat is a rich orange color, breast and belly is a buffy-orange color. Female's are similar to male, but breast and belly are paler in color. Both sexes have a long, deeply forked tailed.


Males are a deep, dark blue color on the head, back, wings, and tail. Throat is a rich orange color, breast and belly is a buffy-orange color. Female's are similar to male, but breast and belly are paler in color. Both sexes have a long, deeply forked tailed.

Relative Abundance

Common in spring and summer in appropriate habitat.


An aerial forager, catching insects on the wing as it flies low and fast. Frequently builds mud nests in entry ways and on porches and patios.



Similar Species

Other swallow species that occur in this area such as Tree Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Cliff Swallow and Violet-green Swallow.

Best Sites

Antelope Hills Golf Course by the Prescott Airport, Prescott Lakes community anywhere near the golf course along Smoke Tree Road.