Brewer's Sparrow


Occasionally in winter, more common in both spring and fall as they pass through this area during migration.

Plumage / Description

Male and female plumage similar. Breeding plumage is more crisp and defined, non-breeding plumage is paler and muted. Throat, breast, belly an ash-colored gray, back more brown than gray. Fine streaking on the crown of the head, with a black stripe through the eye and a noticeable malar stripe. A faint, incomplete eye-ring visible with binoculars. Tail feathers slightly forked.


Male and female plumage similar. Breeding plumage is more crisp and defined, non-breeding plumage is paler and muted. Throat, breast, belly an ash-colored gray, back more brown than gray. Fine streaking on the crown of the head, with a black stripe through the eye and a noticeable malar stripe. A faint, incomplete eye-ring visible with binoculars. Tail feathers slightly forked.

Relative Abundance

Uncommon in winter, fairly common in spring and fall during migration.


A ground feeding species that frequently occurs in mixed flocks with other ground-feeding seed-eaters such as Dark-eyed Juncos, Chipping Sparrows and White-crowned Sparrows.


Seeds, insects

Similar Species

Most likely to be confused with Chipping Sparrows in non-breeding plumage.

Best Sites

Pioneer Park, Acker Park.