Cassin's Finch



Plumage / Description

Male plumage is striking in good light. Feathers on crown appear slightly raised, almost like a crest, and are a brilliant, intense red color. Red on throat, breast, and rump. Female plumage is heavy, defined, crisp streaking on the breast, flanks and back. Females have a weak eye stripe. Cassin's Finch appear heavier bodied than House Finches.


Male plumage is striking in good light. Feathers on crown appear slightly raised, almost like a crest, and are a brilliant, intense red color. Red on throat, breast, and rump. Female plumage is heavy, defined, crisp streaking on the breast, flanks and back. Females have a weak eye stripe. Cassin's Finch appear heavier bodied than House Finches.

Relative Abundance

Irregular in occurrence from year to year. Some years they are abundant, other years they are extremely uncommon. Not predictable from one year to another.


Cassin's Finches usually occur in small to medium sized flocks and will frequent seed feeders where they particularly like black-oil sunflower seeds. Also occur in Ponderosa Pine habitats during winter.


Seeds, Insects

Similar Species

House Finch, Purple Finch

Best Sites

Residential settings at backyard seed feeders, Granite Basin, Thumb Butte Park, Lynx Lake.