Common Poorwill
Spring, Summer
Male and female plumage similar. Rarely observed at rest, most easily observed in flight. Long broad wings, lacking white bar seen on Common Nighthawk. Small white corners on the edges of tail visible in flight. Overall plumage is a mottled, cryptic pattern. Well camouflaged for resting undetected during the day. Small, wide beak for catching insects in flight.
Male and female plumage similar. Rarely observed at rest, most easily observed in flight. Long broad wings, lacking white bar seen on Common Nighthawk. Small white corners on the edges of tail visible in flight. Overall plumage is a mottled, cryptic pattern. Well camouflaged for resting undetected during the day. Small, wide beak for catching insects in flight.
Fairly common in appropriate habitat.
Nocturnal. Active at dusk, at the same time of day when bats become active. Hunts using an 'aerial foraging' technique, catching insects in flight. Flight pattern and behavior is distinctive and is easily identified as being in the nightjar family. More commonly seen then heard.
Chino Valley, Poquito Valley, Lonesome Valley.