Common Yellowthroat


Spring, Summer

Plumage / Description

Male plumage includes a black mask across the face with a brilliant yellow throat, breast and belly. Head, back and wings are an olive/green color. Female plumage is very subdued compared to the male � no black mask, a paler yellow throat. Females are an overall drab, olive/green looking bird.


Male plumage includes a black mask across the face with a brilliant yellow throat, breast and belly. Head, back and wings are an olive/green color. Female plumage is very subdued compared to the male � no black mask, a paler yellow throat. Females are an overall drab, olive/green looking bird.

Relative Abundance

Fairly common in appropriate habitat.


Secretive and somewhat difficult to see, although they are easily heard. Typically found in stands of cat-o-nine tails in marshy areas. Very rarely do they stray very far from their preferred habitat.



Similar Species

The only other species in this area with a black mask is Cedar Waxwings, but they have a crest, and Common Yellowthroats do not. Female Yellowthroat could be confused with other warbler species such as Virginia's, but they do not occur in the same habitat.

Best Sites

Watson Woods, Airport Recharge Ponds, golf courses with ponds.