Crissal Thrasher



Plumage / Description

In spite of being 'common' this species is rarely seen by backyard birders.Crissal Thrashers are a skulker, preferring dense scrubby habitat with Live Scrub Oak, Mountain Mahogany, Silk Tassel, and Manzanita bushes. In winter when heavy snowfall covers their natural food sources they will readily come to a seed feeder to find a reliable, predictable food source.Has a beautiful song which it typically sings from a high, open, exposed perch, which aides in finding this species.


In spite of being 'common' this species is rarely seen by backyard birders.Crissal Thrashers are a skulker, preferring dense scrubby habitat with Live Scrub Oak, Mountain Mahogany, Silk Tassel, and Manzanita bushes. In winter when heavy snowfall covers their natural food sources they will readily come to a seed feeder to find a reliable, predictable food source.Has a beautiful song which it typically sings from a high, open, exposed perch, which aides in finding this species.

Relative Abundance

Common in proper habitat


In spite of being 'common' this species is rarely seen by backyard birders.Crissal Thrashers are a skulker, preferring dense scrubby habitat with Live Scrub Oak, Mountain Mahogany, Silk Tassel, and Manzanita bushes. In winter when heavy snowfall covers their natural food sources they will readily come to a seed feeder to find a reliable, predictable food source.Has a beautiful song which it typically sings from a high, open, exposed perch, which aides in finding this species.


Seed, Insects

Similar Species

Curve-billed Thrasher

Best Sites

Acker Park, Pioneer Park, Granite Basin Road between Iron Springs Road and the saddle.