Hermit Warbler


Spring, Fall

Plumage / Description

Males have a brilliant yellow head and face with a solid black throat. The breast and belly is white, back, wings and tail are gray, two prominent white wing bars. Females are similar except the yellow on the head and face is a pale yellow color, and the throat is more gray than black.


Males have a brilliant yellow head and face with a solid black throat. The breast and belly is white, back, wings and tail are gray, two prominent white wing bars. Females are similar except the yellow on the head and face is a pale yellow color, and the throat is more gray than black.

Relative Abundance

Common during migration in the proper habitat.


This migratory species passes through central Arizona on its way north in the spring, and on its way south in the fall. Like other warblers this species is a foliage gleaner, actively moving about in trees as it searches for insects.



Similar Species

Townsend's Warbler

Best Sites

In the Bradshaw Mountains, Granite Basin Recreation Area