Horned Lark



Plumage / Description

Males have a bold facial pattern that is very distinctive: A broad white eye-stripe, a black mask that goes through the eye, a black bib, and a yellow throat. The breast and belly is white. The feathers forming the 'horned' appearance on the crown of the head are not always visible, but when present this is a diagnostic identification feature. Female plumage is muted, an overall brown color, with pale yellow on the throat, bib is brown instead of black.


Males have a bold facial pattern that is very distinctive: A broad white eye-stripe, a black mask that goes through the eye, a black bib, and a yellow throat. The breast and belly is white. The feathers forming the 'horned' appearance on the crown of the head are not always visible, but when present this is a diagnostic identification feature. Female plumage is muted, an overall brown color, with pale yellow on the throat, bib is brown instead of black.

Relative Abundance

Fairly common in winter, uncommon in summer


Typically occurs in small flocks.When threatened they usually run quickly across the ground.When flushed they will fly quite a distance before settling down again.Frequently vocalizes in flight.


Seeds, Insect

Similar Species


Best Sites

Out by the Prescott airport, in grassland habitat north of Prescott Valley, Chino Valley and in Paulden.