Mountain Bluebird


Winter at lower elevations, summer at higher elevations

Plumage / Description

Male plumage is an overall sky-blue color, with a white belly and under-tail coverts. Females are similar in appearance to female Western Bluebirds, pale gray head, back, and belly. The breast is a dull rusty color, wings and tail are a pale blue color.


Male plumage is an overall sky-blue color, with a white belly and under-tail coverts. Females are similar in appearance to female Western Bluebirds, pale gray head, back, and belly. The breast is a dull rusty color, wings and tail are a pale blue color.

Relative Abundance

Common in proper habitat


A flocking species that winters in habitats that are fairly open, where the trees are more scattered and not heavily forested. A breeding species in northern Arizona such as in the Flagstaff area.


Insects, berries, fruit

Similar Species

Western Bluebird

Best Sites

In winter take Perkinsville Road in Chino Valley to the grasslands east of town, also grasslands north of Prescott Valley in winter, Poquito Valley, Lonesome Valley