Nashville Warbler


Spring, Fall

Plumage / Description

Males are bright yellow on the underside, with a gray head, and a Rufous patch on the crown of the head. The back, wings, and tail are an olive-green color. Female plumage is similar, but paler overall and they lack the Rufous patch on the crown of the head. Males and females have a conspicuous complete white eye-ring.


Males are bright yellow on the underside, with a gray head, and a Rufous patch on the crown of the head. The back, wings, and tail are an olive-green color. Female plumage is similar, but paler overall and they lack the Rufous patch on the crown of the head. Males and females have a conspicuous complete white eye-ring.

Relative Abundance

Common during migration as they briefly pass through Arizona


An active foliage gleaner as it searches for insects in trees and shrubs.



Similar Species

Virginia's Warbler

Best Sites

Lower elevations of the Bradshaw Mountains, in transition zones where there is a lot of oak, not so much in the Ponderosa Pine habitat.