Painted Redstart
Spring, summer
Male and female plumage similar. A striking combination of black, white, and red plumage. Entire head, throat, back, wings and tail are black. Belly is bright red. Outer tail feathers show extensive white. Large white wing patch visible both at rest and in flight.
Male and female plumage similar. A striking combination of black, white, and red plumage. Entire head, throat, back, wings and tail are black. Belly is bright red. Outer tail feathers show extensive white. Large white wing patch visible both at rest and in flight.
Fairly common in proper habitat
An active, foliage gleaner as it moves through trees and shrubs in search of insects. Has the habit of vocalizing frequently. Nest on the ground. Most often found in a Ponderosa Pine habitat.
Wolf Creek, Groom Creek, Potato Patch, White Spar Campground, Granite Basin