Song Sparrow
Male and Female plumage similar. Generally characterized by overall rufous streaking, down the back, breast, belly and flanks. Head and back gray with rufous streaking. Wings and tail are a rich brown, even a rufous color.
Male and Female plumage similar. Generally characterized by overall rufous streaking, down the back, breast, belly and flanks. Head and back gray with rufous streaking. Wings and tail are a rich brown, even a rufous color.
Fairly common
A rare visitor to backyard bird feeding stations unless your home is situated adjacent to a wetlands habitat. This species prefers the margins around lakes, ponds, and streams. Song Sparrows are real skulkers and are frequently heard more often than seen.
Seeds, insects
Lincoln's Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow
Pine Lakes, Willow Lake environs, Watson Woods, Granite Creek.