Summer Tanager


Spring, Summer

Plumage / Description

Males are a stunning, brilliant red color. Females have no red at all, but are an over-all olive-green, yellowish color. Like other species, Summer Tanagers have the ability to raise and lower the feathers on the crown of their head � when raised it gives them a 'crested' appearance.


Males are a stunning, brilliant red color. Females have no red at all, but are an over-all olive-green, yellowish color. Like other species, Summer Tanagers have the ability to raise and lower the feathers on the crown of their head � when raised it gives them a 'crested' appearance.

Relative Abundance

Common in proper habitat


Summer Tanagers prefer a riparian habitat with willow and cottonwood trees. During migration they will occur in residential settings briefly as they stop to re-fuel. However, during breeding season they typically will not be seen outside of their preferred habitat.


Diet: Insects, fruit, jelly, suet

Similar Species

Hepatic Tanager, Northern Cardinal

Best Sites

Granite Creek Park, Granite Creek, Watson Woods