Weekly Article Archive

By Eric Moore / Since 2019

Eric Moore, the owner of The Lookout, formerly Jay's Bird Barn, publishes a new article about wild birds and more every Thursday in The Daily Courier.

If you want to read his articles, they can be viewed directly on The Daily Courier’s website.

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Participation in birding festival results in many bird sightings

Two weeks ago, for the first time in my life, I attended a birding festival as a part...

Willow Lake birding highlights

Last Saturday I led a Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout) sponsored bird walk to Willow...

Singing bird activity picks up with warmer weather

Even though the daytime temperatures the past few days have been downright balmy - e...

Midwinter Bald Eagle survey results

Last Saturday, I participated in the Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey under the direction ...

Citizen 'scientists' and technology combine to track wild birds

There are several examples of how every day citizens- individuals who are not scienti...

The year in review and the year ahead

As 2015 draws to a close, I want to express my gratitude. I am so appreciative of the...

Christmas bird count results by the numbers

Wednesday, Dec. 16, was the Prescott Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count. My assig...

More unusual bird sightings in the Prescott area

I am sure this comes as no surprise to my reading audience, but I must confess, I did...

Thrashers in Arizona

Over the last week or two, there have been several rare bird sightings throughout Yav...

Migration-how far south is far enough?

This past week our family gathered for Thanksgiving in Logan, Utah, in beautiful Cach...

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush?

This past Saturday I led a guided bird walk to Fain Park in Prescott Valley. I really...

Field birders take rare bird sightings seriously

On Monday, Nov. 9, I received a phone call about a potential rare bird at Watson Lake...

Common backyard hawks in urban area

Each day, when I get home from the store, I usually make a beeline for the window loo...

Willow, Watson Lake levels may affect availability of food for wild birds

This past Thursday I led a Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout)- sponsored bird walk to ...

In the fall, replace your hummingbird feeders with suet feeders

In my column last week, one of the topics discussed was when hummingbird feeders shou...

Fall bird feeding questions and answers

As the days get shorter and cooler, it is time to consider what changes you might wan...

The Paton Center is dedicated as an Important Bird Area in Patagonia

For more than forty years, one of my favorite places to go bird watching in Arizona h...

Updating lifetime of bird records takes me back in time

The rare purple gallinule that I wrote about last week has not been seen for over a w...

Chasing a rare bird adds a new species to my life list

On Thursday of last week, I received a Prescott Rare Bird email notification of yet a...

An uncommon 'common' visitor shows up at Watson Lake

This past week, an astute birder identified a single common tern at Watson Lake. Whil...

The one that almost got away

It is not very often that I see a 'new' bird that I have never seen before. Having li...

What's going on in September? A lot!

September is a busy month, and not just for migrating birds! As I look ahead, there a...

The water may be down, but the birds are up!

Last Thursday I led a Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout)- sponsored bird walk to Willo...

Coming to the rescue of an injured hawk

This past Friday, a homeowner in Prescott Valley found a large hawk in her yard with ...

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about the owner

My interest in birds began when I was very young. By the time I was five years old I was fascinated with birds and watched them at feeders in my parent’s yard in Massachusetts.

At the age of 13, I joined the Tucson chapter of the National Audubon Society. When I lived in Utah, I participated in the Utah County Birders Club (there was not an Audubon chapter in Provo). I have been associated with the Prescott chapter of the National Audubon Society for the past eleven years and have served on the board of directors and as the publicity chair.

I have led bird walks, been in charge of the Spring Migratory Bird Count, and I have participated in the Christmas Bird Count in Tucson, Provo, and Prescott for a time period spanning 30 years. I consider myself to be an excellent birder. Birding is more than a hobby for me–it is a passion.

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