Weekly Article Archive

By Eric Moore / Since 2019

Eric Moore, the owner of The Lookout, formerly Jay's Bird Barn, publishes a new article about wild birds and more every Thursday in The Daily Courier.

If you want to read his articles, they can be viewed directly on The Daily Courier’s website.

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Watson Woods, lake birding impressive

We have had such a lovely fall! Our daytime temperatures have consistently been runni...

Recent local rare bird sightings create excitement

I received a text last week from a customer who lives in Montezuma Well (in the Verde...

Wild bird survival in winter is all about food availability

As we get closer and closer to winter solstice, the days continue to get shorter as t...

Competition for birdseed - squirrels in the Prescott area

Earlier this week, I was both surprised and thrilled to see an Abert's squirrel sitti...

When it comes to being observant, it pays to pay attention!

About two weeks ago, I was on my way to the mailbox when a couple of ravens flew into...

Recent local rare bird sightings create excitement

On Monday, Jan. 31, I was making a birdseed delivery to a customer who lives in the D...

Vocalization mimicry can fool even the best birders

This past week, Gayla and I visited our son, Merritt, and his family in Edmond, Oklah...

Thrashers, jays are common in the Prescott area

I was recently asked by a customer how likely it would be to see a curve- billed thra...

Good nutrition for wild birds is important to their health

There is no question that what we eat affects our health. Better health is a natural ...

Spending time in nature is my happy place

Over the past week, I've had several opportunities to spend time out in nature - whic...

Get out in nature - go bird watching!

Since the COVID- 19 pandemic started over a year ago, the opportunity to gather with ...

California Condor release to take place this Saturday

Now that fall is upon us, you can expect to see changes in the variety of birds frequ...

Wrapping up our trip to Tanzania with a birding extension

Our 14- day 'Northern Tanzania Wildlife Safari' ended on Sept. 5. Leaving our group, ...

Wildlife viewing adventures in the Serengeti

Arriving in Serengeti National Park, we spent our first night at a tented camp - Em...

From Ngorongoro Crater to the Serengeti

We just wrapped up our first full week here in Tanzania. Our travels have been both f...

Greetings from Africa!

As crazy as it sounds (it is hard for even me to believe,) I am in Tanzania right now...

Birding road trip to southeastern Arizona is fruitful

Each day, I receive rare- bird email alerts through eBird. I enjoy looking through th...

Protect the environment - don't spray those weeds!

Our summer monsoons have been such a blessing. However, sometimes our blessings can a...

Two very different trips - with a lot of similarities

Over the last two weeks, I have been on two really enjoyable trips. The first was a driv...

The month of August ushers in peak hummingbird activity

I love the month of August. Growing up as a child in Tucson I always loved the summer...

Monsoon season creates second-spring conditions

I have been thoroughly enjoying our summer monsoon rains. I find myself being somewha...

Nature's wrath and wild bird survival

Our recent monsoon storm activity over the last few weeks has simply been amazing. Un...

Plant native plants to attract birds to your yard

Years ago, we bought a spec home off of Rosser. We were very fortunate, as the develo...

Ubiquitous birds -they are all around us

This past week, we traveled to Provo, Utah for the Fourth of July holiday weekend. I'...

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about the owner

My interest in birds began when I was very young. By the time I was five years old I was fascinated with birds and watched them at feeders in my parent’s yard in Massachusetts.

At the age of 13, I joined the Tucson chapter of the National Audubon Society. When I lived in Utah, I participated in the Utah County Birders Club (there was not an Audubon chapter in Provo). I have been associated with the Prescott chapter of the National Audubon Society for the past eleven years and have served on the board of directors and as the publicity chair.

I have led bird walks, been in charge of the Spring Migratory Bird Count, and I have participated in the Christmas Bird Count in Tucson, Provo, and Prescott for a time period spanning 30 years. I consider myself to be an excellent birder. Birding is more than a hobby for me–it is a passion.

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