Weekly Article Archive

By Eric Moore / Since 2019

Eric Moore, the owner of The Lookout, formerly Jay's Bird Barn, publishes a new article about wild birds and more every Thursday in The Daily Courier.

If you want to read his articles, they can be viewed directly on The Daily Courier’s website.

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What is the protocol for cleaning our bird houses?

If you have a bird house in your yard, you may be wondering whether you should clean ...

Mid-winter Bald Eagle survey results

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to participate once again in the annual mid-...

Birding column: Christmas bird count results

In last week's column, I wrote about all of the preparations leading up to my particip...

Birdwork - It is a lot of work!

Most people have probably heard of the annual Audubon- sponsored Christmas Bird Count...

A new resource is available on native plants

Throughout the year, I have the opportunity to do a lot of speaking engagements to a ...

Desert birding with water birds in the background

We spent Thanksgiving weekend down in Mesa, which afforded me the opportunity to do a...

Chance bird sighting leads to a rare find

On Saturday, November 16th, my wife and I hiked a portion of segment eight of the Pre...

Impressive conservation efforts by local HOA

Several weeks ago I was asked if I would be willing to visit with the residents of a ...

New yard bird sighting

Our home here in Prescott is just off of Rosser Street and borders a seasonal creek. ...

Adjustments to winter bird-feeding activity

We have enjoyed such a beautiful fall, but each day inches us a day closer to winter ...

Recent bird sightings in the Verde Valley

I spent some time birdwatching over in the Verde Valley this past weekend. Gayla and ...

What to do if you find a banded or tagged bird

This past week I led a Jay's Bird Barn (now The Lookout)- sponsored bird walk to Gran...

Recent bird walks yield interesting sightings

This past week I had the opportunity to lead bird walks on three consecutive days. T...

wild birds and native plants are inextricably connected

I am frequently invited to do speaking engagements where I talk on the subject of lan...

Lack of summer rain may affect our winter birds

This past Saturday, my wife Gayla and I finished hiking the Prescott Circle for the f...

California Condors released at Vermilion Cliffs

This past Saturday, I attended the California condor release at the Vermilion Cliffs ...

Interior vs. coastal bird species

This past week my wife and I made a trip over to California to spend time with family...

How you can help wild birds

Last week, a report was published in Science Magazine detailing the decline in the nu...

Specialty birds of southeastern Arizona

I had an amazing time this past week at the Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festiv...

Why birds migrate

Over the last few weeks, I have written several columns on topics related to migrati...

Tis the season for caching food

I don't know if you witness the same behavior in your yard each year, but during the ...

The hazards of glue boards

From time to time I have used glue boards in my garage to control field mice. While g...

Fall migration is in full swing

It is hard to believe we are already in September, as it still feels like summer! How...

Recent experiences in nature

This past Saturday, Gayla and I hiked segment four of the Prescott Circle Trail, from...

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about the owner

My interest in birds began when I was very young. By the time I was five years old I was fascinated with birds and watched them at feeders in my parent’s yard in Massachusetts.

At the age of 13, I joined the Tucson chapter of the National Audubon Society. When I lived in Utah, I participated in the Utah County Birders Club (there was not an Audubon chapter in Provo). I have been associated with the Prescott chapter of the National Audubon Society for the past eleven years and have served on the board of directors and as the publicity chair.

I have led bird walks, been in charge of the Spring Migratory Bird Count, and I have participated in the Christmas Bird Count in Tucson, Provo, and Prescott for a time period spanning 30 years. I consider myself to be an excellent birder. Birding is more than a hobby for me–it is a passion.

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